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You need not disclose membership in professional organizations that may reveal information regarding race, color, creed, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or any other protected status.


Please Read Before Signing

I certify that all information provided by me on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I have withheld nothing that, if disclosed, would alter the integrity of this application. If employed, any misstatements or omissions of fact on this application may result in my dismissal. I agree that neither the acceptance of this application, an offer, nor the subsequent entry into any type of employment relationship, either in the position applied for or any other position, and regardless of the contents of employee handbooks, policies and procedures manuals, and the like as they may exist from time to time shall serve to create an actual or implied contract of employment.


I authorize my previous employers, schools or persons listed as references to give any information regarding employment or educational record. I agree that XL Developmental Services, Inc. and my previous employers will not be held liable in any respect if a job offer is not extended, is withdrawn or employment is terminated because of false statements, omissions or answers made my myself on this application. In the event of any employment with XL Developmental Services, Inc., I will comply with all policies and procedures as set forth by the company in any communication distributed to the employees. I fully understand that XL Developmental Services, Inc. may change or revise its policies and procedures without advanced notice and that such change may include reduction in hours, salary or benefits. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, I understand that I am required to provide approved documentation to the company that verifies my right to work in the United States on the first day of employment.


For the purpose of my possible employment, I authorize XL Developmental Services, Inc. to order a consumer report to make a thorough investigation into my background which may include my: Academic Records, Criminal Record, Employment Record, Financial and Credit Information, Military Service Record, Physical Health Record, Psychological Status Any/All Social Media Accounts, and Reputation and Character Record.


I understand that information obtained from this background investigation may constitute a basis for denial of my employment. I also understand that any information obtained from this background investigation will be used solely for the purpose it was intended and will not be disseminated outside of XL Developmental Services, Inc. I understand that employment at this company is “at will”, which means that either I or XL Developmental Services, Inc. can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without prior notice, and for any reason not prohibited by statute. All employment is continued on that basis. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statements

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